Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sprout Master Triple Deluxe Sprouting Kit

!±8±Sprout Master Triple Deluxe Sprouting Kit

Brand : Sprout Master
Rate :
Price : $40.95
Post Date : Dec 26, 2011 00:02:21
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Live Healthier: Life giving sprouts contain live enzymes necessary for the digestive process. They contain few if any calories and no cholesterol. Sprouts are one of the highest sources of fiber and chlorophyll. Sprouts contain the highest and purest forms of vitamins, proteins, trace minerals and nutrients necessary for a long healthy life. Sprout Master has the following advantages over other sprouters: does not sour the sprouts; several sprouters can be stacked with the tray lid in place without losing necessary air circulation; the rectangular shape allows for much better cabinet and refrigerator storage without sacrificing as much as one inch in the volume of your harvest; a removable divider in the middle makes it possible to grow a half crop, a full crop or two different crops at the same time. With a lid placed under the bottom as a drip tray and a lid placed over the top, your sprouts will stay crisper longer in the refrigerator without losing vitamins or souring. Disassembles quickly for easy cleaning. Add to the Sprout Master the Sprout House Hemp Sprouting Bag Kit which allows you to grow beans and grains. Between these two kits you grow every type of sprout there is. These trays measure 8 inches x 10 inches

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

These are the Ingredient Listings and Benefits of This Beautifully Powerful Salad: Mixed Greens The Benefits: Eating a variety of vegetables, such a mixed-greens salad, may reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, help control high blood pressure and assist weight loss. The nutrients that mixed greens contain may also reduce the risk of cancer and osteoporosis. The vitamin A present in salad greens improves immune function and keeps your skin and eyes healthy. The fiber content in salads promotes bowel health and weight maintenance.Benefits of Spirulina: The numerous curative and health-promoting properties of Spirulina are truly amazing. This blue-green algae superfood is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and antioxidants, all of which make it highly beneficial as an anti-aging, anti-cancer, and super-detoxifying miracle food the incredible radioprotective power of Spirulina. Numerous studies have found that Spirulina protects the body against -- and even heals it from -- the damaging effects of harmful radiation.Hemp Seeds/Hemp Oil Benefits * All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce. * A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins. * Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by ...

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Friday, December 16, 2011

3 Jar Sprouting Starter Kit: Three 1 Quart Sprouting Jars, Instructions & 2.5 Lbs Organic Seeds: Alfalfa, Brocolli, Radish, Clover, Lentil, Mung Bean, Buckwheat, Bean Salad Mix, More

!±8± 3 Jar Sprouting Starter Kit: Three 1 Quart Sprouting Jars, Instructions & 2.5 Lbs Organic Seeds: Alfalfa, Brocolli, Radish, Clover, Lentil, Mung Bean, Buckwheat, Bean Salad Mix, More

Brand : Handy Pantry | Rate : | Price : $64.95
Post Date : Dec 17, 2011 00:51:20 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

3 Jar Sprouting Starter Kit - Everything You Need to Start Growing Fresh Healthy Sprouts in Your Own Kitchen - Includes: 3 Jars with strainer lids, Instruction Booklet & Organic Seeds: Alfalfa, Brocolli, Radish, Clover, Lentil, Mung Bean, Buckwheat, Bean Salad Mix (Adzuki, Lentil, Mung), 3 Part Salad Mix (Alfalfa, Radish, Brocolli), 5 Part Salad Mix (Alfalfa, Radish, Brocolli, Mung & Lentil). 4 Oz of Each Type. One ounce of seed makes about ten ounces of sprouts.

  • 3 One Quart Sprouting Jars & Strainer Lids, & Instructions on the Label
  • Ten 4 Oz Bags: Alfalfa, Bean Salad Mix, 3 Part Salad Mix, 5 Part Salad Mix, Mung Bean, Green Lentil, Clover, Buckwheat, Broccoli & Radish.
  • Certified Organic Sprouting Seed
  • Everything You Need To Get Started Sprouting

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Monday, December 12, 2011 Newborn - Wrap

This video will show you how to make my Newborn - Wrap so you can began eating The Newborn Way, today! Ingredients: Sprouted tortilla, Newborn - Pesto, Newborn - Humus, Mixed seed blend, Avocado, Seaweed Gomasio, Tomato, Cucumber & Alfalfa Sprouts.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sproutman's Organic Sprouting Seeds - Golden Alfalfa (1/2 Pound Bag) ( Multi-Pack)

!±8±Sproutman's Organic Sprouting Seeds - Golden Alfalfa (1/2 Pound Bag) ( Multi-Pack)

Rate :
Price : $57.91
Post Date : Dec 08, 2011 12:17:22
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

8-unit VALUE PACK of Sproutman's Organic Sprouting Seeds - Golden Alfalfa (1/2 Pound Bag) - Alfalfa, 8 oz

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Growing Organic Garlic

!±8± Growing Organic Garlic

There are two types of garlic; 'hard neck' and 'soft neck.'

The upside to hard neck garlic is that it produces plumper cloves and has a broader variety than soft neck garlic.

The downside is that it is more difficult to keep from sprouting. It does not store as well as soft neck garlic varieties.

Soft neck garlic is an ideal choice for long-term storage. Soft neck varieties are a little easier to grow but have a cluster of tiny cloves in the center that are tedious to work with. We grow both types to get the best of both worlds...flavor and storage quality.

One other important consideration when planting garlic is your climate. Hard neck garlic types root quicker and are therefore better grown in northern climates. Soft neck types do better in areas with mild winters. Yet, with proper care, both types can grow successfully in either climate.


Planting garlic in the fall a few weeks before the ground freezes will allow a root system to establish but not provide enough time for the plant to emerge above the surface before winter and become damaged.

For spring planting, sow bulbs when soil temperature reaches 55 F. Garlic planted in the spring will grow OK, but usually at a lesser rate than garlic that is planted in the fall, resulting in smaller bulb development.


Garlic will tolerate partial shade but will perform best in full sun


For planting garlic, you want your soil to be in the range of pH 6.0 - 7.0.

Garlic grows well in deep, well-drained soil amended with composted manure and plenty of organic matter mixed in before planting.


From your bulbs, select the large outer cloves for planting. Use the smaller cloves for immediate eating.

Separate the cloves from the bulb (this is called 'cracking') as close to planting time as possible; you don't want the root nodules to dry out.

With the root end facing down and points (or tops) up, plant to the depth of 1 to 2" below the surface for soft neck garlic and a minimum of 2" for hard neck garlic.

Space individual cloves in rows 4- 6"apart with 1' between rows. Cover loosely with the recommended soil level.

Garlic does not like competition with other plants so weeding is imperative for proper bulb development. When flower buds appear, snip them off with scissors; the plant will put more energy into bulb growth.

Garlic does not perform well with repeated freezing and thawing, nor does it like extreme temperatures. In colder regions, apply a thick layer of mulch during the winter and reduce the amount in the spring and summer. Mulch will protect the bulbs, prevent severe fluctuations in temperature, and help keep moisture levels even in the soil.

Chopped leaves or alfalfa hay are an excellent mulch for garlic.

Using straw is not recommended; it is a host to the wheat curl mite which invades garlic. In wet climates, using any form of mulch is not advised; it may cause the ground to hold excess water.


Garlic prefers moist, even, well drained soil throughout the growing season with no additional watering the last few weeks before harvesting.

Over-watered garlic is prone to mold and will result in bulbs that have poor keeping quality.


Garlic has an antibiotic and anti-fungal compound called allicin. When an insect bites into the clove the compound is released acting as a natural pesticide.

Growing garlic next to lettuce and cabbage is beneficial, as garlic deters aphids and other common pests.

Bad companions include beans, peas and potatoes as the garlic tends to stunt their growth

Planting garlic after any onion family crop, as they are closely related and prone to the same problems, is not advised.


Timing is critical when harvesting garlic.

Watch for when the bottom two or three leaves of hard neck varieties turn brown and when the tops of soft neck varieties fall over naturally; this is a good first indicator that your garlic is ready for harvest.

Before pulling up, check to be sure the bulbs are mature. Carefully brush aside the dirt around the sides of the bulb to feel if the bulbs are large and hard.

Lift bulbs out of the ground before the outer wrappers begin to tear and the skins on the cloves deteriorate. This results in poor storage quality. Harvesting too soon will sacrifice the size of your bulbs.

It is best to use a shovel to loosen the soil around the garlic bulb; a garden fork is more likely to pierce the bulbs. Once the bulb is loosened, lift the plant out by hand.Gently tap off excess dirt.

The garlic bulb can become sunburned and loose flavor if exposed to direct sunlight. It is a good idea to cover your bulbs or place them out of the sunlight while you are harvesting.


Most diseases can generally be prevented when planting garlic by avoiding over-watering and excess standing moisture. Watering the last few weeks before harvesting will shorten the life of your bulbs.


The storing process begins with curing your garlic. If cured and stored properly, a garlic bulb will keep 6-8 months.

Hang your bulbs out of direct light in bunches of 4-6. Be sure to allow air circulation to all sides of the bulbs. If an area with good ventilation is not available, use fans.

Optimum drying time is two weeks at 80 F. You will know your garlic is cured when the skin is dry and the necks are tight.

Before storing, clean garlic by trimming off the leaves (unless braiding) and roots and remove just the outer wrappers that are soiled. The outer wrapper is what protects the garlic and helps to maintain freshness so be careful not to expose the cloves.

Leave 1" of the center stalk on hard neck varieties to make separating the cloves easier. Select only unbruised, cloves and store in a paper or mesh bag. Your garlic will keep in a cool, dark place between 60-65 F for several months.


For your next garlic crop, save only fully matured, larger bulbs with plump cloves. Store your planting bulbs the same way you would your long-term storage garlic. (See Storage)

In warmer regions, hard neck garlic must be put through an artificial 'cold spell' by storing in a cool, dry location with good air circulation at 45-50 F for approximately 3 weeks before planting to induce sprouting.

Growing Organic Garlic

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Deluxe Sprouting Starter Kit w/ 12 Lbs. Of Organic Seed - Everything To Grow Sprouts: 3 Tray Sprout Garden, Seeds: Alfalfa, Radish, Clover, Mung Bean, Garbonzo Beans, Green Pea, Crunchy Lentil Fest & More

!±8± Deluxe Sprouting Starter Kit w/ 12 Lbs. Of Organic Seed - Everything To Grow Sprouts: 3 Tray Sprout Garden, Seeds: Alfalfa, Radish, Clover, Mung Bean, Garbonzo Beans, Green Pea, Crunchy Lentil Fest & More

Brand : Handy Pantry | Rate : | Price : $89.95
Post Date : Nov 29, 2011 22:23:18 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This deluxe sprouting kit provides space saving "LIFETIME GUARANTEED"stackable tray system and a single sprouting lid for soaking the seeds and for making small amounts. ONE "SPROUTING FOR HEALTH IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM" Instruction booklet. Everything you need to learn the basic aspects of sprouting virtually every kind of organic seed, bean or grain is here for you in this deluxe starter pack!Includes a whopping 12 Pounds of our most Popular Sprout Seed! One pound of the following: Bean Salad Mix-Bean (Adzuki, Lentil, Mung), Radish, Cruncy Lentil Fest (Green, Red & French Lentils), Clover, Green Peas, Green Lentils, 3 Part Salad Mix (Alfalfa, Radish, Broccoli), Protein Powerhouse (Garbonzo,Snow Pea), Cabbage, Radish, 5 Part Salad Mix (Alfalfa, Radish, Brocolli, Mung & Lentil), Alfalfa, Garbonzo, Mung Beans.Sprouts are high in protein, essential amino acids, and eight digestive enzymes; vitamins A, C, B comples (including B-12), D, E and K; minerals iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and potassium; and - when exposed to light - very high in chlorophyll.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Growing Sprouts

!±8± Growing Sprouts

Concerned about your health? Confused about what nutrients are best? Why not look at adding sprouts to your daily eating plan? They can provide a healthy portion of your vitamin C needs and bolster your system with many of the B vitamins. The green leafy ones are excellent sources of vitamin A. You can take a whole array of expensive vitamin supplements and still not get the nutritional benefits that these very inexpensive additions to your diet will provide.

They're easy to produce even though there are certain guidelines you will need to follow. You can grow them yourself even if you don't have a green thumb. You don't need soil at all-only water and cool temperatures. The time between starting the seeds and harvesting sprouts is short: sprouts will emerge in as little as two days and not more than seven. It depends on what you're sprouting. There's a wide range of choices, but it might be good to limit yourself to only a few at the outset until you begin to get the hang of it.

Some of the Seeds, and Beans you can Sprout:

* Alfalfa sprouts

* Beans (mung, kidney, pinto, navy and soy)

* Broccoli

* Clover

* Dill

* Garlic

* Mustard

* Pumpkin

* Radish

* Sunflower

* Wheat berries

Remember, this list is only partial; once you become proficient at sprouting, you will want to look at others. Variety makes this approach to food interesting and even exciting.

You don't need any special equipment to grow sprouts. All you need are seeds, water, warmth, and darkness. You will probably only need to spend 10 minutes of your time each day to grow all the sprouts you can eat.


1½ cup of these seeds: wheat, beans, rye, oats, rice, sunflower, lentil, hulled buckwheat, garbanzo beans

2 Tablespoons: alfalfa, radish, clover, cabbage.

Soak seeds 2 to 3 times their dry volume (water). Once they absorb all the water they will absorb (two to twelve hours depending on the size of the seed), drain the water off, rinse, and put in a dark, warm place with the bottle upside down and tipped up against a corner. You want the water to drip out. Put something under the bottle to catch the water. Put on a lid that permits air to move in and out of the jar. A thin cloth or nylon stocking will do. Fasten it around the opening using a rubber band or a bottle ring. For sprouting very small seeds like alfalfa: after the seeds have stopped draining, roll the bottle to coat the outer wall with seeds. Leave the bottle on its side in the dark. Best room temperature is 70C. Important: rinse the seeds twice a day, draining them well. Sprouting should being within two days.

If you Plan to Eat them Raw

They should grow to 2 to 3 inches. For alfalfa, wheatgrass, buckwheat or sunflower sprouts, expose them to indirect sunlight for four to five hours once they've been harvested. They will turn green, which will increase their vitamin A content. Don't expose bean sprouts to sunlight; it will make them bitter. Once they are at the desired length, rinse them and put them in a sealed container with a water-absorber on the bottom and store in the refrigerator.

Don't keep your sprouts longer than a week, and only grow small quantities, only what you'll use in a short period of time. It's a good idea to keep some sprouts growing all the time. If you plan to get all your vitamins from sprouts, it's advised that you store up to 125 pounds of a variety of seeds per person per year. Otherwise, 30 pounds should be enough if you are going to eat them raw.

The number of companies that provide sprout seeds has been growing very rapidly in recent years. The cost will be more if you buy from these companies than seeds for planting. You might find cheaper seeds that are just fine for your purposes. Some sprouting experts report that it's a waste of money to buy "sprouting seeds" rather than regular seeds. Go slow! Purchase a small amount of seed and try them.

Don't store seeds for more than 5 years unless you have a very cool place to keep them. As seeds age, they take longer to sprout and there will be more that won't sprout.

To your sprouting success,


Growing Sprouts

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Easygreen Large Volume Automatic Sprouter - Sprouting Machine - Grow Large Quantities of Healthy Salad Sprouts - Sprout Alfalfa, Radish, Broccoli, Clover, Green Lentil, Red Lentil, Mung Bean, & More. Has Mister, Watering Timer

!±8± Easygreen Large Volume Automatic Sprouter - Sprouting Machine - Grow Large Quantities of Healthy Salad Sprouts - Sprout Alfalfa, Radish, Broccoli, Clover, Green Lentil, Red Lentil, Mung Bean, & More. Has Mister, Watering Timer

Brand : Easygreen | Rate : | Price : $188.45
Post Date : Nov 25, 2011 04:27:11 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The newest design for starting virtually every sprouting seed. Complete with Mist Generator, Timer, 5 cartridges, Owner's Manual, collection pan, and drain tube. The EasyGreen Front Loader is ready to use. Just add water and seeds.The EasyGreen sprouting machine was developed out of the growing demand for organic sprouts. The EasyGreen's unique technology empowers the individual to maintain a high potency immune system, by providing natural vitamins, mineral and enzymes in sprouts that no other food or artificial supplements can rival.Sprouting seeds generate chemical heat during germination and need to be cooled to avoid mold and rotting. The EasyGreen sprouter uses a patented technology where mist and oxygen are applied simultaneously to the sprouting seeds, thus both cooling the sprouting seed's water and air and oxygenating the sprouts and water. Sprouts require little water but abundant amounts of oxygen. Other automatic sprouters and conventional sprouting methods supply plenty of water yet only provide natural air displacement.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eat Alkalizing Foods to Improve Your Health and Lose Weight

!±8± Eat Alkalizing Foods to Improve Your Health and Lose Weight

Alkalizing your body can help you improve your health and reach your ideal weight. The process starts by reducing the amount of acid you put into your body. Alkalizing foods will help you balance out the acidic foods you do eat and help your body maintain the optimal pH of 7.35 without having to neutralize acid by storing it excess body fat.

Alkaline foods have a pH higher than 7.0. Unlike acidic foods that can be as low as 2.5, alkaline foods are usually only slightly above 7.0. This means it can take a lot of alkaline foods to balance out a smaller amount of acidic foods.

Green vegetables are one of the best sources of alkalizing foods. You don't need to worry about which vegetable. If it is green, it probably has a pH of around 7.5 to 8.0 and is full of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Cucumbers are one of the most alkaline vegetables you can eat.

Sprouts are another great source of alkalizing nutrients. Sprouting seeds are full of nutrients and are more alkalizing than the seeds they come from or the foods they grow into. Common sprouts include alfalfa, bean, and broccoli. Almost any bean, grain, or seed can be sprouted to provide an alkalizing food.

One of the best sources of alkalizing foods is grasses. You won't eat the grass, but you can juice it or get it in supplement form. Some of the most alkalizing grasses are wheat grass, kamut grass, and barley grass. Wheat grass, in particular, is becoming very popular at health food stores and juice bars.

There are a few alkalizing foods that may surprise you. Lemons, limes, and grapefruits all have an alkalizing effect on your body. While they are chemically acidic, they have an alkalizing effect on your body. Try starting your day with a grapefruit or squeezing some lemon into your drinking water throughout the day to help you alkalize.

The key to eating alkalizing foods is buy organic whenever possible and eat them fresh. Organic foods are healthier, taste better, and usually are more alkaline than their chemically fertilized counterparts. If you have to cook your vegetables, cook them as little as possible and try to keep the temperature below 118 which is where many beneficial enzymes are destroyed.

Alkalizing your body is a balance of eating more alkaline foods and less acidic foods. Start by adding a fresh green vegetable to every meal. This will help balance any acidic food you eat and also help you get full sooner so you eat less of the acidic foods on your plate. After that, find a fresh vegetable that you can snack on instead of a sugary, acidic candy bar. Wash it all down with a glass of water with a little lemon juice squeezed into it instead of a soft drink or coffee. These simple changes can go a long ways towards alkalizing your body and helping you reach your optimal weight.

Eat Alkalizing Foods to Improve Your Health and Lose Weight

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nutritious Healthy Sprouts

!±8± Nutritious Healthy Sprouts

Why Eat Sprouts?

Eating sprouts is the safest and best way of getting the advantage of both fruits and vegetables without the contamination and harmful insecticides.

Alfalfa is the king of all sprouts. Apart from minerals, alfalfa is also a rich source of vitamins A, B, C, E, K and amino acids. Flax seed sprouts are an excellent source of nutrition as well as radish sprouts.

Sprouts are an inexpensive method of obtaining a concentration of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. They have all the constituent nutrients of fruits and vegetables and are considered "live foods".

Growing Sprouting Seeds

Make sure the seeds are able to sprout, which means they are not chemically treated.

The seeds should be washed thoroughly and then soaked overnight in a sprouting jar with a mesh cover.

The duration of soaking depends on the size of the seed. Small seeds are soaked for five hours, medium size for eight hours and beans and grains for ten to twelve hours.

On the following morning, the seeds should be rinsed and the water drained off. Make sure that not more than one-fourth of the jar is filled with the sprouting seeds. They will expand about eight times their original size.

The seeds should be rinsed and water drained off three times a day until ready to eat. Use 1 teaspoon of citric acid to 1 quart of water to rinse the seeds to prevent spoilage.

The seeds will germinate and become sprouts in 2 or 3 days. Be sure that the sprouts do not lie in water. They should be kept well drained. Sprouts are at their optimum and ready to use when tiny leaves appear at the tips. Their nutritional value is also optimum.

Sprouts should be kept in the refrigerator when they have reached this optimum level and can be kept for several days.

Nutritious Healthy Sprouts

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Now Foods Alfalfa Seeds for Sprouting (Certified Organic) - 12 oz. ( Multi-Pack)

!±8± Now Foods Alfalfa Seeds for Sprouting (Certified Organic) - 12 oz. ( Multi-Pack)

Brand : Now Foods | Rate : | Price : $68.20
Post Date : Nov 12, 2011 23:32:03 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

8-unit VALUE PACK of Now Foods Alfalfa Seeds for Sprouting (Certified Organic) - 12 oz. - Certified Organic For Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds are the most popular form of sprouting seeds and can be used in salads, sandwiches, chop suey and cooked dishes. Available for immediate shipment (subject to stock level). ORDER Today!

  • MULTI VALUE 8-PACK! You are buying EIGHT of Now Foods Alfalfa Seeds for Sprouting (Certified Organic) - 12 oz. Certified Organic For Sprouting Alfalfa Seeds are the most popular form of sprouting seeds and can be used in salads, sandwiches, chop suey and cooked dishes.
  • SAVE MONEY on SHIPPING. If this item requires payment for shipping, the shipping weight for this eight value pack may be reduced to reflect savings that we can pass on to you. (This saving may not offered in the other multi-packs of this item smaller than the six pack). It costs us less to ship one eight pack than eight singles - so you can save more.
  • Now Foods Alfalfa Seeds for Sprouting (Certified Organic) - 12 oz.

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